Sangama Kannada Movie
Cast: Ganesh, Vedhika, Rangayana Raghu, Komalkumar, Dharma, Yashas, B.Jaya, Thulasi Shivamani
Direction: Ravi Verma
Sangama Movie Review
One of the strongest media of entertainment cinema is also a very responsible medium. Understanding this factor SV Productions in yet another lavish and well thought out film gives a message in their family entertainer that 'Belief is more important than Love'. This is when the two neighbors' are living in the society focuses 'Sangama'. The responsibility shown and affection rendered here are the redeeming features of the film. This is a socially relevant film too. The feel good factor of the film is doing deeds by the protagonist. Some mellifluous and foot tapping songs, splendid photography lift the quality of the film.
Balu (Ganesh) journey in life is filled with doing well to those whom he meets. He is the darling of Lachchi (Vedhika) family because he is always a decision maker in the family. When a software boy is selected for the marriage of Lachchi it is Balu who goes with Khama (Komalkumar) to know the true colors of the boy. When the duo describe in the family of Lachchi how 'Naalayak' is the boy for Lachchi there is a feel of rejoice. The savior and protector of Lachchi family Balu is a small time real estate operator for his livelihood.
When Lachchi is down with fever it is Balu who takes her early in the morning to perform the ritual on her behalf. This care and affection that is very pure gives a space in the heart of Lachchi for Balu. Lachchi express her interest in him at the interval point but Balu knows where he stands. Firstly he is not well off to give a comfortable living for Lachchi and most important is that the family of Lachchi banking on him. He considers in life that belief should not be dislocated in front of love.

When Balu knows that Lachchi likes him and not the software guy from Germany he becomes very alert but destiny has something else in store. His good friend Khama and family members of Lachchi respect the attitude of Balu and they relieve him of the fear that belief is affected when he marries Lachchi. The software guy ready for marriage returns softly from the scene.
This is the most responsible film from the most popular actor Ganesh. He does not have the speed of dialogues in this film that is his major trump card but he gives his best looking very charming on the screen. How a neighboring girl should be taken care take a note from this film. The costumes selection and choreography are splendid for Ganesh. Vedhika is a heroine to watch. She has the perfect personality and her ability to emote is also superb. Rangayana Raghu deviating from comedy gives a surprise as a very responsible father. Komalkumar fills the comedy department. Maina playing the eunuch in the film is disgusting.
Devisriprasad has given three memorable tunes in his first entry to Kannada. The more use of sounds at places could have been avoided. Yet Dilmange more…..Kodu Kodu varavanu Bagavantha and title track are worth hearing again. Lyricist Kaviraj has given a well thought out wordings in his lyrics.
Shekar Chandru camera has no flaws. His hard work is seen because on two occasions despite of the usage of huge lights at the backdrop he gives a treat to the eyes.
Go with your family and don't forget to take the neighbors. Here is a film that speaks so high of your neighbors.

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Sangama Movie Part-1
Sangama Movie Part-2
Sangama Movie Part-3
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Sangama Movie Part-5
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