Slum Bala Cast and Crew:
Release Date: 7th Nov 2008
Producer: Syed Amaaan, and M.S.Ravindra
Director: Sumana Kittur
Starring: Vijay and Shuba Punja.
Music: Arjun
Story/Screenplay: Agni Shridhar

Slum Bala Movie Review
The title has a slum in it; the story is based on a slum, the major character of this film hails from slum. But when it comes to execution, debutant director Sumana Kittur’s Slum Bala oozes with unmistakable class. Slum Bala is without doubt one of the finest films on the underworld in the Kannada film industry.
It’s funny when you come to think of it. Here is a woman director, a debutant at that, making one of the finest films on underworld which is totally the area of ‘men.’ Other directors who are churning out the underworld films like mega serials can easily a take a leaf out of Sumana’s book (or the whole book instead!). Her restrained handling of subject and her approach towards the narration is amazingly restrained. So restrained that minus Vijay’s character, the film could well have been a documentary on the nexus between the Bangalore police and the politicians.
Interestingly, it’s this same lack of melodrama that provides the film with a touch of authenticity. Backed by solid screenplay by Agni Shridhar, Sumana narrates the story of a small time slum rowdy, who is expatriated from Bangalore. The rowdy works as a bouncer in a dance bar in Mumbai and falls in love with Mallige (Shubha Punja), a dancer in the bar. But the police chief of Bangalore (Shashikumar) calls him back to Bangalore to assassinate Cable Manja (Dharmendra).
As you can see, the story has nothing special about it. We have seen countless such stories before. But it’s the handling of the story that deserves a special mention. In its entire narration, the narration rarely goes overboard and stays within its limits to make you believe in the story.
Those who are used to the melodramatic narration of the underworld subject in Kannada may find the story too slow in pace. Much of the film is all about political games and counter games that might disappoint those who expect at least 10-15 dead bodies in the first three reels of the film. Also, the film seems to be inspired from Satya and Company in many places.
Vijay looks every bit of the character he is playing. His dark complexion and muscular body are just what the doctor ordered for this role. He is one of those rare guys in Kannada who can change from a helpless simpleton to a dangerous killer in matter of seconds and make it look completely believable. Shubha Punja is as cute as ever and there is a marked improvement in her acting from Moggina manassu days. Umashri is lively and other supporting cast is good too.
Shashikumar, who was bound to play hapless elder brother in recent times, has got a powerful role and has made full use of it.
Slum Bala does have its faults. But those are negligible considering the refreshing approach it has taken towards narrating the story.

Watch Slum Baala Kannada Movie Online
Slum Baala Part-1
Slum Baala Part-2
Slum Baala Part-3
Slum Baala Part-4
Slum Baala Part-5
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